Tribunals Service

Welcome to the Tribunals Service.

Tribunals are an important part of the justice system, delivering justice through the provision of an open, fair, impartial, efficient, timely and accessible service.

As a result of the Human Rights Act 2001 coming into effect on the Isle of Man on the 1st November 2006, the responsibility for the administration of a number of Tribunals was transferred to the General Registry. The transfer saw the creation of a new team given the title of the ‘Tribunals’ Centralised Administration’ by the Tribunals Regulations 2006, now replaced by the Tribunals Regulations 2010. The Regulations were made under the provisions of the Tribunals Act 2006, a copy of which can be accessed on the Isle of Man Government on-line legislation website at

The transfer of functions was a positive step forward in increasing public confidence in the integrity of the appeal process. By making the administration independent, persons appearing in front of a Tribunal can do so confident in the knowledge they will receive a fair hearing.

The Tribunals’ Centralised Administration is currently responsible for providing common administrative support to all of the Tribunals listed, although please note that not all of the Tribunals fall under the Tribunals Act 2006 (as amended).

If, after viewing this website, you have any general enquiries please contact the Tribunals Office by either telephoning +44 (0)1624 685941 or by emailing

Your attention is drawn to our Privacy Notice.

Personal Visitors To Tribunal Office

  • Due to the limited space available at our public counter and in order to ensure all of our customers feel safe when using our public facing facilities, if it is your intention to call into the Tribunal Office with a substantive query, i.e. other than simply to drop off/pick up post, e.g. to submit an application, or with a query before you submit an application, we would encourage you to contact this office, in the first instance, by e-mail on and if we cannot resolve your question by e-mail or over the phone we will arrange an appropriate time for you to attend the office.

The Tribunals Service is committed to providing you with a safe and appropriate environment for you and should you have any questions regarding any aspect of the above, please don't hesitate to contact this office on, or if your query is urgent please call +44 (0)1624 685941.

Applications to Tribunals.

Applications should continue to be submitted as normal, bearing in mind any relevant statutory time limits.  Please note that applications to certain Tribunals can be made online - see here.

Page last updated on 10 July 2024